The Lost Art of Living

Building Community Together, Learning from each other, Creating new ways forward using the wisdom that's been forgotten.

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When did we separate ourselves from the earth we walk upon? When did nature disappear from our lives? When did we stop looking after ourselves? When did we forget how to grow our own food? When did we forget how to work with our own hands? When did we forget how to make real nourishing meals? When did we forget how to look after our own health? When did we lose our sense of family, of community, of working together to build something better?

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    Build it and they will come

    To go forward, first we have to go back

    For the past few years all the “awake” people across the UK, have watched our world dissolve into chaos.  Never before has the need for self sufficiency & self responsibility ever been greater.  Never before have we lived in a time where the need for community has ever been stronger than right now.   Never before have we ever felt the call so strongly to unite our communities and stand together- sharing our knowledge and abilities to empower us all.

    Lost Art of Living Festivals

    Bringing our local awake groups and communities together, to learn, to laugh, to meet new people, and to unite the clans.

    NOW is the time

    What do you want to learn?

    What new skill would help you, your family, your community?

    Permaculture and all it grows

    Foraging: wild food & medicine

    Creating a community together

    Natural Health: Cures in the kitchen

    Raising Chickens, rabbits and smaller animals

    World gone crazy: Are you prepared?

    Latest ekit news

    Ekit Latest News

    Lost Art of Living Events

    Come along and join us!  Meet other awake people from other groups and communities, and learn how we can work together to create something new!